Saturday, February 9, 2013

Top10 Hottiew/aBody Comic Book Characters

10. Bruce Banner (in live action movies 2008 onward)

9. Peter Parker (Comic + Broadway version sooooooo dreamy)

Ugh that picture makes him look girly.. watch this and you'll understand a bit better.

8. Captain America (his moral conviction in the civil war series is super drool-worthy lol)

7. Bruce Wayne/Batman from the 1992 Animated Series

6. Gambit (omgggg n'orlins faux french accent in both the comics and the animated series - bonjuuur)

5. Cyclops (from the comics - not the whiny baby from the x-men movie franchise - though his younger self is banging)

I mean come on! A man with the power of the sun behind his eyes? Hotness

4. Jamie Madrox/ Multiple Man & His Sexy Dupes

3. Elixir

2. Angel (in every medium)

1. Deadpool (in every medium - except that one time when they made his head not bald but with random hair patches sticking out)



Ugh I know he's supposed to be all scabby-faced and horrifying but hello what's more sexy than a funny-muscley-yet-vulnerable guy?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Top 10 (Hilarious) Animated Characters from TV

10. The Mask (I'm sure people found him annoying but for some reason I found him hilarious).

9. Spider-Man (Most of the animated series) - I realize this image is not a quote from the show but even the still-shots are hilarious they've inspired many a gif

8. Beastly (Care Bears)

7. Roger, Stan, and Steve (American Dad)

6. The (entire) Belcher Family (Bob's Burgers)

5. The Monarch (The Venture Bros.)

4. Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons)

3. Helga and Grandpa (Hey Arnold)

2. Sokka (+Aang, Uncle and Zuko.. Honorable Menton to Firelord Ozai) (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

1. Bugs Bunny (Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show, Looney Toon Adventures, Space Jam and many more)

Top 10 Favourite Disney Villains

10. Big Al (Toy Story 2) - Of course I hated Big Al when I was a kid but in retrospect he was a man who was obsessed with the greatest character of all time.. Woody!! Perhaps he's on this list because I see myself in him (in terms his love for Woody.. I am neither white nor male) and because his theft led to my absolute favourite scene in animation of all time - when the Geri the Cleaner fixes woody.

9. Queen Grimhilde (Snow White) - I adore her because of how over-the-top dramatic she was for not being the fairest in the land. I've also always thought she was absolutely gorgeous before she became the old lady.. I don't know if that's embarrassing or not.. I was also obsessed with her dress sleeve and I've always wanted (still do) a dress with that sleeve.. It's why I picked this picture.

8. Hades (Hercules) - Hilarious.

7. Scar/ Jaffar (Lion King/ Aladdin) (since they're basically the same guy minus Jaffar not being Aladdin's brother and Scar not being a sorcerer) - I loved how theatrical their expressions, exasperations, and plotting were. And I loved their goatees..

6. Ursula (The Little Mermaid) - She's so fascinating to watch. Animation-wise the colour combination is fantastic and her flowy hair/ fat is absolutely hypnotic (and I'm being serious). The only time in the movie I hated Ursula was when she disguised herself as human but that was because her skin was no longer purple.

5. Lyle van de Groot (George of the Jungle) - Hilarious.

4. Cruella DeVille (101 Dalmations) - I loved her in both the animation and the film (she has forever tattooed Glen Close into my brain). I can still here the way she says "puppies" ringing in my ears. TBH the way she wore a fur coat in the animation did make me kind of want a huge fur endangered species.. not real but immaculately replicated.. coat. And I loved two things about the live action one - her nails/gloves situation and she made smoking look so cool (though I think smoking is gross.. out of all of the people I have ever seen smoking on tv.. only Cruella DeVille made it look cool.. ).

3. Sanderson Sisters (Hocus Pocus) - Hilarious.

2. Shadow Man - what a stylish character, with a hypnotic voice (speaking) and singing - I love his song "Friends on the Other Side". On top of him embodying a lot of the things that make me obsessed with Louisiana, I love his ambition (not being that high - he just wants money - LOL), and I love his gap (woo).

1. Gaston - 3 Reasons why Gaston is my favourite 1) the scene right before he proposes to Belle and checks his perfect teeth in the mirror. 2) When he is fighting the Beast, the tune in which he says, "Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?" 3) His song. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 10 Animated Shows

Okay so for those of you who don't know, I'm a huge fan of television. In fact, pretty soon, I'll be starting a new blog to write about my favourite television shows. You don't even know! Anywho I'm just going to get to it. This is a list of my top 10 favourite animated Shows.

10. Robot Chicken (I'm including Claymation in animation)

If Seth Green was taller, he'd be my dream guy. I think this show is absolutely hilarious. Some of their best material is the stuff based on Star Wars. If you're down, you should def check out Robot Chicken Star Wars. It's absolutely hilarious.

9. Freaky Stories

A series of awesome short stories that happened to a friend of a friend of mine. Fantastic.

8. Gargoyles

I remember watchin Gargoyles when I was young and I started watching it again recently and it was nothing like I remembered. It's a great series riddled with emotion and a not-so-subtle gargoyle/human love story. <3

7. American Dad

In my opinion, it's the best of the Seth Mcfarlane series. Plus I find Stan absolutely hilarious/lovable.

6. The Venture Bros.

Holy eff! Where have I been for the last few years? This show is absolutely awesome! While I personally find the Monarch the star of the show the Venture Bros is absolutely the unsung hero of late-night animated television. It is hilarious, and ridiculous (and I have a total crush on Doc Hammer, pictured below in human and animation form/ one of the creators/ voice actors of the show). Go Team Venture!

5. The Simpsons

To me, the Simpsons is absolutely timeless. Though there's no doubt that they're best episodes were all from the past, I still catch the new episodes every Sunday at 8pm. My favourites are still the Treehouse of Horrors, anything with Sideshow Bob. I feel like the show could always use more Bob.

4. X-Men: Evolution

I was originally reluctant to watch this show because of my die-hard committment to the original animated version so I was really surprised that when I watched it, it was extremely entertaining and far better than I had imagined. I regret not having watched the series when it was on television.

3. X-Men: The Animated Series

I adore this series because of how true it is to the comic book. I also love the maturity of the content and the style of drawings for animation in the early 90s.

2. Batman: The Animated Series

Straight up, Bruce Wayne is effing hot in this series. Also it's beyond entertaining. The storylines are great and the villains are greater. The voice cast is perfect and Batman's not a drag in this series.

1. Avatar: The Last Airbender

It's hard to look at this show and think of it as animated because of the depths of the storylines and concepts and the fact that it was just hilarious. There is no equivalent to this show and you get so attached to the characters that their journey is that much more compelling.

Honorable mentions go to She-Ra: Warrior Princess and Sailor Moon (which are both definitely in my top 10 childhood shows)